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Building a Resilient Lake Oswego

Infrastructure Update and How to Prepare for the Big One


Lake Oswego High School auditorium

Thursday, January 26, 7-8:30 p.m.

Lakeridge High School auditorium

Wednesday, February 1, 7-8:30 p.m.


PrepLO, which consists of emergency prep representatives from your Neighborhood Associations, is launching a major initiative to spread emergency preparedness information to you at the neighborhood and household levels.  We are kicking this initiative off with two events, one at Lake Oswego High School, on Thursday, January 26th, for the Neighborhood Associations on the north side, and one at Lakeridge on Wednesday, Feb. 1 for the NAs on the south side.  Of course, you can come to whichever one fits into your schedule.  Events run from 7:00 to 8:30 PM and we’ve booked the auditoriums so we can accommodate large crowds!

Each event will feature a presentation by McVey/South Shore NA chair and PrepLO co-chair Jan Castle, as well as information displays and demos on specific topics by our member experts. You should leave with a good idea of what’s going to happen around you and how to make simple preparations to protect your family and your immediate neighbors.

These events can be followed by further meetings in your neighborhoods.  Our goal is to have Lake Oswego’s neighborhoods and residents prepared for The Big One in 5 years!  Join us on these nights and let’s get started!

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